A C-Group is a very small group of 4 people who are of the same gender and meet together on a monthly basis in order to help each other live courageously for Christ (the C is for courage). In addition to meeting together, our groups encourage each other throughout the month by calling and texting each other, going to events together, and even doing occasional retreats or service projects. When our C-Groups meet together, they study, pray, and confidentially share what is going on in their lives in order to help each other become more like Christ.
Anyone curious about or desiring to grow in a closer relationship with Jesus Christ would benefit from the Christian community found in a group setting. Groups provide them with accountability, care, and a sense of belonging. This is especially important in growing churches like ours.
There are many biblical and practical reasons to be in a C-Group. The Bible teaches God’s desire is for us to be in a relationship with Him and with one another. Jesus lived His life this way, with a small group of friends. Our faith grows in the presence of a community of faithful friends who can encourage, support, and stretch us. While experiencing an excellent Sunday service is extremely beneficial to our faith, being connected to a group is vital. We can ask questions, implement what we are learning, and put concepts into action in our lives, all while having fun with our friends. Life is always better together!
This year, we will study ROOTED together. Rooted introduces participants to the 7 Rhythms of a disciple modeled in Acts 2. Through Bible study, sharing, and learning experiences, participants are challenged to step outside their comfort zones and live out their faith. This approach helps followers of Jesus to not only study the core discipleship rhythms…but to actually experience them. Each participant is asked to contribute $20 toward a Participant Workbook. These will be provided to you during your first gathering. Walking through this workbook together will enrich your experience not only when you meet, but between meetings as well. The goal for every church using Rooted is to be a healthy thriving church by making disciples that truly follow Jesus.
Register to join a C Group and purchase your Rooted Workbook.