PPickleball is back at Eastpointe! We are excited to announce that the fall session of open pickleball is starting September 24, 2024.
Dates: September 24-December 3
Time: 7:30-9:30p
Who: 18+ and students accompanied by parent/guardian Cost: $4/Night or $20/Session
Discounts: 55+ & Families
Liability Release: Eastpointe cares for the safety of all who participate in the activities. While we take reasonable measures to protect the safety of all participants while in our care, accidents, and injuries can happen during any activity. Accordingly, by registering for this activity you are agreeing a) to release Eastpointe Christian Church from any liability resulting from accident or injury, b) to hold Eastpointe harmless from any claims resulting from any injuries, c) give Eastpointe, in the event of serious injury, authority to notify emergency responders to provide immediate care and transport to the hospital for treatment. Eastpointe will, of course, will notify the next of kin immediately.